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The Name of the Butterfly   Leave a comment

Where did today come from?

What was the name of the butterfly

Who’s slight flight deviation

caused it’s world’s away wing flaps

that create the reality

I see unfolding

In front of me?


Beyond understanding of the concept,

what knowledge is available?

Can we understand who the life force is

that lies behind the name of the butterfly?

Can we understand the butterfly’s deviation?


Because our hurricane

could not be the result

of normal happy butterfly flappings.

Something must have gone horribly wrong

for such a gentle creature

to cause such a storm.

We love the butterfly

like the butterfly loves us

so why does the one we love

lash us so hard with wind and rain?


The thought does cause me pain

I’ll think not of it again

and return to the cliff

of such ignorant bliss

and see butterflies dancing through air

I’ll appreciate the beauty, then just move on.


Into the life pattern I’ve carved out

It’s so safe in here

no one close enough

to cause any fear


But it’s then,

when I feel safe from harm

My mind starts to wander

and question what I know

Could I understand

that such a creature

as a butterfly

could flap it’s wings

and create havoc in my life?

Do I just know the concept

or do I want to know

the name of the butterfly

who creates interest in my life

and asks me, where did today come from?




Posted April 20, 2012 by tmusicfan in Lyrics, Window of the OP